
Discover the benefits of our membership plan which includes all your essential podiatry care, along with discounts on all retail products.

We have 4 podiatry membership plans covering different time intervals through the year, that you can choose from, payment is made by direct debit on a monthly basis, for a period of 12 months.


  • 5% reduction on podiatry routine appointments
  • 10% reduction on retail products
  • Price fixed in 2025
  • Online booking available after set up


  • Annual health check
  • Preventative foot advice
  • Regular appointments

Our plans. Book now

  • 1st Plan: £19.95 covers 4 routine podiatry treatments (12 week gap)
  • 2nd Plan: £29.95 covers 6 routine podiatry treatments (8 week gap)
  • 3rd Plan: £39.95 covers 8 routine podiatry treatments (6 week gap)
  • 4th Plan: £59.95 covers 12 routine podiatry treatments (4 week gap)


  • Appt Cancellations: If missed, less then 24 hours notice then appointment used.
  • 7 or 9 weeks returns: Choose 6 or 8 week memberships, and pay for extra at full price the end if needed
  • Specific Clinician: We will endeavour to provide you with the choice of clinician, however we reserve the right to change this last minute.

Terms & Conditions

Payment Information: 

  • Payment is through Stripe online via
  • Processing fees are included in the monthly membership amount.
  • Card payment details are held in Stripe only and are not shared with any other systems.
  • Client name, plan type and date are shared from Stripe via Zapier to Cliniko (our clinical records management system) in order to create and manage appointments.

Content Access: 

  • The membership benefits are only valid for the client named on the membership, it cannot be transferred to anyone else. 
  • Treatments included are podiatry return appointments only.
  • The Annual health check, will occur once a year during a podiatry return appointment, the clinician will discuss when this is most appropriate for you.
  • Discount of 10% on retail products (exclusion list applies – ask reception). 

Cancellation Policy: 

  • Annual cancellation will occur at 12 months unless a renewal occurs. An email will be sent to the patient to inform them.
  • Cancellation under specific circumstances will be considered, please contact with information. In this case 1 months notice must be given, and charges may be payable if appointments used are over proportion to months paid. An invoice will be sent clearly displaying any further charges, with an agreed timeline to settle.

Limitation of Liability: 

  • It is the responsibility of the client to book future appropriate spaced appointments. If all appointments are not utilised, they cannot be carried over or reimbursed.

Dispute Resolution: Please contact if you have any complaints or concerns.