At Zest Podiatry & Physio, our team strive to be experts in Nail surgery.
Ingrowing Toe Nail
Have you got a painful toenail or finding cutting nails difficult then come and talk to the experts in nail care and in particular Nail Surgery. We can manage the nail conservatively or perform nail surgery techniques for long term relief.
Why choose Zest Podiatry
Our team of HCPC registered podiatrists have all been trained in nail resection and nails avulsion surgery and be assured that we perform these procedures routinely in the clinic ensuring that you are dealing with practiced experts. We have a team of 6 podiatrists, all of whom have a wealth of experience and expertise.
So no onward referrals required, we can deal with you in-house
For those nails that require a more complex surgery, we have a Consultant Podiatric Surgeon to perform these techniques too. These include procedures such as Winograd.
Experts in Nail Surgery
- We routinely see young children, teenagers and adults of all ages including those who are needle phobic.
- Pre-operatively we assess each patient and their nail condition, routinely check neuro-vascular status to ensure that postāoperative healing is not impaired.
- On the day of the procedure, we perform the surgery in our clinical rooms ensuring the highest level of comfort and cleanliness. No stairs to climb and plenty of airy bright spaces to wait.
- We never treat alone, there is always another member of staff available in case of any emergencies – patient safety is paramount.
- Post-operatively, we see our patients the next day to ensure that you are OK and remove the surgical dressing. Not only is this good practice it allows you to self manage the dressing for the next 14 days and be able to shower and bathe! We provide the dressings you need so no need to find a pharmacy or buy online.
- We continue our care with you at day 14 and day 28, ensuring progress with wound healing. If you have any concerns we can see you quickly and if necessary supply antibiotics should there be a postoperative infection.
- We liaise closely with our podiatric surgeon on complex cases, managing initial consultations through to post operative care..
- Ability to select short wait times for surgical appointment dates and times. Podiatric surgeon may have a longer wait time.
We love what we do and pride ourselves on delivering a professional and successful service – we are experts in this field.
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You can book your appointment with Zest Podiatry & Physio online, alternatively contact us for further details.