Microwave away your verrucae & warts!

SWIFT microwave treatment for verrucae and warts

Swift microwave therapy was developed as a result of its use for cancer treatment. Microwave technology has been used in medicine for over 30 years globally as a treatment for cancer. Microwaves are a form of non-ionising radiation which means that they cannot cause damage to the DNA of living things.

SWIFT microwave prompts the local immune system of our bodies. The aim is to cause a response by the body to recognise the human papilloma virus (HPV) and therefore heal itself.

SWIFT microwave was launched as a dermatology and podiatry treatment in 2015, (research available). The SWIFT system delivers enough energy to agitate water molecules and causes friction (as opposed to damaging DNA).

How does it work?

The SWIFT microwave system has been designed to ensure that the microwaves travel in straight lines with no lateral spread. This is in contrast to commonly seen in cryotherapy. The thermal energy travels to a depth of approximately 3.5 – 4mm in the skin.

The further beauty of the SWIFT microwave system is that it is pre-set to deliver precise controlled energy dose. Therefore it does not cause damage to the skin, unlike other modalities such as cryotherapy and laser ablation. 

The current success rates of SWIFT Emblation is approximately 80%. This is in contrast to lower success rates of cryotherapy, needling or the use of salicylic acids.


The treatment is quick , delivered in a small sequence of short burst applications typically 2 seconds duration. As a result there is no need for a local anaesthetic or post procedure dressings. The treatment causes no scarring and most patients report low post procedural pain.

After the recommended package of 3 treatments, there are certainly changes to the verruca or wart. Pain levels have shown to reduce, and it consequently it starts to regress both in diameter and depth towards a final resolution.

SWIFT microwave is delivered by HCPC registered podiatrists only and here at Zest Podiatry we are very pleased to be able to offer this treatment as part of our Verruca and wart treatments.

We are insured to deal with verruca on the feet and warts on the hands.