heel pain

Lets heal heel pain

Heel pain can be very distressing and can stop you enjoying life or taking part in active pursuits. Here are some recommended at home tips from us and lets heal heel pain.

What can you do to help yourself

  1. Footwear review/change – wear footwear that is suited for the activity you are doing and be mindful to choose footwear that supports the length, breadth and form of the foot. Footwear that has inbuild support under the arch is good and with fastenings that can be adjusted such as laces. 
  2. Icing the heel 3 times a day can be beneficial as an analgesic. Although most heel conditions are not due to inflammatory causes so icing is used as a therapy to reduce swelling.
  3. Wearing an orthotic with a supportive heel cup and supportive heel cushion may be beneficial.
  4. Simple stretching programmes – calf muscles and the big toe complex.
  5. Taping the heel.
  6. Modify activity to reduce load onto heel or change to non weight bearing activities – cycling/swimming.
  7. Weight loss.

Not easing? Lets get professional help and lets heal heel pain.

What is a podiatrist?

A podiatrist is an expert in the lower limb, especially the foot and ankle. They are degree trained and can diagnose, treat and improve pain, form and function.

A podiatrist is to feet what a dentist is to teeth

What can a podiatrist do for heel pain

Podiatrists can clinically diagnose the structures involved with the heel pain, and if necessary facilitate further diagnostic tests.

They can build a treatment plan with patients which would typically involve taping, stretching and strengthening exercises, orthotics, shockwave therapy, steroid injection therapy, night splints.

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