Zest Podiatry & Physio - Why wait till it hurts
our solutions

Sever’s disease/Calcaneal apophysitis

This condition is also known after doctor who first identified it in 1912 It was called Sever’s disease which does sound rather scary. It is the most common cause of heel pain in children. Podiatrists regularly treat these common injuries when they affect a foot or ankle, at Zest we would recommend our MSK lead. Symptoms of calcaneal […]

Lateral ankle sprain Post

Lateral ankle sprain is one of the most re-occurring injuries in sports. Often the first instance of injury is as a child with a twisted ankle that causes damage to the ligaments around the outside of the ankle. This means that the outside of the ankle has reduced ability and as you start increase your […]

Achilles Tendinitis Post

The Achilles tendon is the tendon that connects the calf muscles to the back of the heel bone. It is a key tendon in providing movement and power on walking. On occasions it can become irritated or thickened as a result of trauma or overuse, causing Achilles Tendinitis. Often changes in heel height of shoes, […]

Interdigital neuroma

Interdigital neuroma More commonly called Morton’s neuroma people often describe a feeling of like having a stone in their shoe or that their sock is wrinkled up under the foot. They can get pain and numbness with tingling or burning sensation occurring in the toes or cross the ball of the foot. Shooting pains can […]

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