Why shockwave?
Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ECSWT)
Shockwave therapy is used in the treatment of heel pain and tendon injuries.
The latest research in shockwave reveals it to be as effective for plantar fasciitis as a corticosteroid injection and is very helpful for achilles tendonitis. Its use is supported by the National Institute of Clinical Health and Excellence (NICE).
At Zest we use the best machine on the market the ‘Swiss Dolarclast’. The Swiss Dolarcast is the same type that is used in the NICE research. The machine sends waves of pressure into the tissue encouraging it to heal.
Why does it work?
The machine sends shockwaves from a compressor into a special probe. The probe sends the waves into the damaged area. The waves encourage the damaged tissue to heal at a quicker rate than is normally would.
Does it hurt?
Shockwave is a non-invasive treatment so no skin is broken or damaged. It can be a bit tender during the treatment but this eases in a few seconds.
You can return to normal activity immediately as there is no damage to the area,. We may encourage you to rest and have a cup of tea after.
How many sessions will I need?
We recommend 3 shockwave sessions, a week apart. This gives you the best chance for resolution of pain. Occasionally further sessions are required, although not common we can accommodate this.
How will I know it is better?
Your pain should be gone or much less. But we will have a look with an Ultrasound scanner to see how well the damage tissue is healing.