Plantar fasciitis
We use the term Plantar fasciitis to describe a type heel pain. Which results from the deterioration of your plantar fascia. However, today we prefer to call it plantar heel pain syndrome or plantar fasciopathy.
Plantar fasciitis symptoms.
Plantar fasciitis is characterised either firstly by initial step pain or secondly by a pain on weight-bearing after rest. It is a very common condition, for instance around 10% of the population will suffer at some point in their lives.
The pain is usually felt anywhere along the bottom of the foot is typically located underneath the heel. As mentioned previously it is worse first thing in the morning or after long periods of rest once the foot starts moving the pain normally decreases. Plantar fasciitis can occur in people of any age but is usually in adults.
It is usually as a result of a sudden change in the loading of the heel and its associated structures this can be due to:
- changes in activity
- poor footwear
- sports injury
- imbalance in the muscles of the legs or hips
- tight calf muscles
Often other structures than just the plantar fascia can be involved such as the nerves or tendons around the inside of the ankle. Furthermore this can often give subtle changes to the type of pain felt in the heel. Your podiatrist will ask you about this during consultation.
The specialist podiatrist here at Zest Podiatry will then have a look at the thickness of the plantar fascia and the integrity of the structures around the area using a diagnostic ultrasound imaging. If this confirms the diagnosis of plantar fasciitis then treatment options can be discussed.
These plantar fasciitis treatment options could include:
- stretching
- mobilisation
- footwear changes
- orthosis/insoles
- shockwave therapy
- injection therapy
The Zest team here will take you through the pros and cons of each treatment option so you can make decision that is right for you.